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For LinenMaster, being in Atlanta felt fresher than ever with the Clean Show finally being back in action! Our team thrived on the liveliness of the environment and was thrilled to see the industry back together after a COVID-forced hiatus.

Several unique initiatives were taken by LinenMaster in the design and performance of our exhibit, the first of these initiatives being an environmentally friendly approach to our booth. We constructed a “green” display by minimizing build materials, using less energy, and going completely paperless. The streamlined display provided a fresh, welcoming environment for booth visitors where the LinenMaster team was able to enjoy meaningful conversations with all those who stopped by.

The second special initiative we put into action was deciding to donate to charity for every badge scanned at our booth vs. issuing typical trade show swag (like branded tchotchkes) to booth visitors. After careful consideration, we were inspired by ALM (Association for Linen Management) to choose America’s VetDogs as the charity to receive booth donations this year. We were ultimately able to contribute a total of $1,025.00 to AVD through these efforts, which exceeded our original goal!

If you are wondering why we chose to ditch swag and donate, it is because we aim to create optimal impact with any endeavor we pursue. Leveraging our presence at the Clean Show to give back was an opportunity we did not want to miss! Can you imagine what we could contribute as an industry if more (or all) vendors joined us? We hope more will be inspired to participate in a similar way at trade shows to come.

Overall, we had an excellent few days – 10/10! Fun fact: several of the LinenMaster employees met face-to-face for the first time at the show, and two were introduced to the wonders of Clean for the first time. The experience left us eager for 2025 so we can once again, unite to promote a lifetime of success for this industry we all love.




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